Chandranath Chatterjee
Discharge Characteristics of Chimney Weir Under Free and Submerged Flow Conditions - 1998
Presently: Professor, IIT Kharagpur

Atmaram Mishra
Development of An Integrated Opti-simulation Model for Major Irrigation Projects - 2002
Presently: Principal Scientist (Retd), Indian Institute of Water Management, Bhubaneswar

Niranjan Panigrahy
Hydrological Modelling of A Small Watershed - 2003
Presently: Associate Professor, Orissa University of Agriculture and Technology, Bhubaneswar

M.B. Nagdeve
Hydrological Water Balance Modelling of A Treated Watershed - 2004
Presently: Dean (Retd), Dr. P.D.K.V, Akola, Maharashtra

Praveen Gupta
Distributed Hydrological Modelling of Command Area Using Remotely Sensed Data and GIS - 2004
Presently: Scientist D, Space Applications Centre, Ahmedabad

Adlul Islam
Development and Testing of a Hydraulic Simulation Model for Irrigation Canal Network - 2005
Presently: Principal Scientist, Indian Council of Agricultural Research, New Delhi

Damodhara Mailapalli
Development and Testing of a Physically Based Model (ZIGASED) for Simulating Flow andSediment Transport In Furrow Irrigation - 2007
Presently: Associate Professor, IIT Kharagpur

Aditi Bhadra
Development and Testing of An Integrated Reservoir Based Canal Command Model - 2007
Presently: Professor, NERIST, Itanagar

Arnab Bandyopadhyay
Temporal and Spatial Trends of Reference Evapotranspiration in Agro-ecological Regions of India - 2008
Presently: Professor, NERIST, Itanagar

Anish Bansal
Development of A Physically Based Distributed Hydrological Modeling System - 2011
Presently: Consultant, World Bank

Dibyendu Samantaray
Flood Risk Modelling using MIKE FLOOD and Remote Sensing Data for Optimal Rice Planning - 2014
Presently: Senior Research Scientist, American International Group, Bangalore

Neha Mittal
Assessment of Future Climate Change and Alteration of River Flow Regime - 2014
Presently: Post-Doctoral Research, United Kingdom

Arun Kumar
Ensemble Modelling of Rainfall Runoff Transformation Process - 2017
Presently: Senior Modeller, RMS Risk Management Solutions

Pradnya Dhage
Assessing The Combined Impact of Climate and Land Use Changes on The Performance of Kangsabati Irrigation Project - 2017
Presently: Assistant Professor, School of Civil Engineering, KIIT University, Bhubaneswar, Odisha

Manjushree Singh
Development of Integrated Water Resources Management Plan for a Basin using Water Evaluation and Planning (WEAP) Model - 2018
Presently: Associate Professor, NAU, Gujarat

Gajanan Ramteke
Assessing the Impacts of Conservation Measures on Watershed Hydrology using MIKE SHE - 2019
Presently: Scientist-SC, State Remote Sensing Applications Centre, Telangana

Mohite Archana Ramchandra
Development of Flood Forecasting System for Mahanadi River Basin using A Coupled Rainfall-Runoff Hydrodynamic Model - 2019

Srishti Gaur
Distributed Hydrological Modelling under Climate Change: A Way-Forward for Accounting, Planning and Management of Water Resources - 2021
Presently: Post-Doctoral Research, USA

Madhury Dubey
Assessment of Climate Change Impact on Rice and Wheat Yield and Adaptation for Sustainable Production – 2022
Presently: Assistant Professor, Dayalbagh Educational Institute, Agra